The Best Bibles for Your Kids (or Grandkids)

This post is for anyone looking for a recommendation on a good Bible to purchase for kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, neighbor kids, or whoever else might be in your life! When you walk into a Christian bookstore or search online for a Bible, there are literally 100s of options to choose from!

To help you narrow your search, we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorites organized by a child’s age.

But! Before we get to the list…

Why is it important for kids to read the Bible?

Perhaps the answer is obvious to you. Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “The word of God is alive and powerful…” Psalm 119:105 tells us, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 33:4 reminds us, “The word of the Lord is trustworthy and true.”

We read the Bible because the Bible tells us about God. The Bible tells us about Jesus. The Bible helps point out the work of the Holy Spirit. As the source and norm of our life, the Bible is the primary ways we learn about God’s incredible love for us and for the world. That’s why we read the Bible!

Why should kids read the Bible, then? A 2017 study from Lifeway Research found that reading the Bible as kids was one of the best predictors of spiritual health in young adults. Turns out, the Bible:

  • Helps kids understand who God is

  • Helps kids understand that God loves them

  • Teaches kids about God’s love for down-and-outs, runaways, and failures

  • Teaches kids what God values and who God loves (spoiler alert: God loves everybody!)

I’m sure you already know this. If you’ve read this far, you already know the life-changing impact of reading the Bible. Since it has been a source of comfort to you on your journey of faith, thank you for being interested in gifting a Bible to a young one in your life.

Here are our top Bible recommendations for kids and teens, organized by age.

Prices and locations to purchase are accurate as of August 2023.

For Babies, Toddlers, and Pre-readers:

Touch and Feel Bible Stories by Beverly Larson and Sarah Dillard

This is a board book with, you guessed it, all sorts of intriguing colors and textures that bring the Bible stories for life. Our marketing administrator, Stephanie Maier, recommends that you keep this book on the nightstand. It makes for great bedtime reading! Available at Walmart, Amazon, and more, price $6-8.

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd Jones

This Bible is also great for youngsters! Written for early readers, its marketed towards kids age 2-6. We know many people who have used it as their bedtime reading to help kids learn Bible stories early on in life. Available on most Christian book sites including, ChurchSource, and Lifeway as well as Amazon, $10-12.

For Early Readers, ~ages 5-7

Spark Story Bible by Augsburg Fortress

This is a favorite from our youth ministry team and is used in all our early childhood education rooms. It is Lutheran published and is designed for church education settings. Even so, it is great for new readers because of its easy-to-follow-along stories and cute drawing. It would be great for grandparents to have on hand or for home-schooling. Available on Amazon and New: $20-25. Used: $7-10.

The Bible App for Kids by OneHope and YouVersion

Ok, so this one isn’t exactly a book, but so many children has devices on the go and this is a great way to have some Bible engagement on an app! The app contains 41 of the “big” Bible stories. Children can select the story they want and the app reads it aloud to them. There is also animations and games to keep them engaged and help them learn the story. Better yet, its free! Also, there is a book that goes along with it, if you so choose. Available at most Christian bookstores, $12-15.

For readers, ~ages 7-12

Hands-On Bible, New Living Translation By Group Publishing and Tyndale Publishing

This is another Youth Ministry team favorite! This makes a great first, full-length Bible translation for kids. In fact, our church gives this version of the Bible to all our students in the Fall of their third grade year! The New Living Translation is easy to read, while still being a direct translation from the original Greek and Hebrew. This book is also PACKED with questions, activities, and pictures to help kids connect what they’re reading to everyday life! If you have a niece, nephew, grandchild, or neighbor kid who could use a Bible, grab this one! Available on, Amazon, or most other Christian book sites. $20-25.

The Action Bible by David C. Cook. Illustrated by Sergio Cariello

This Bible is unique! Unlike most Bibles, it is written in the style of a graphic novel.  Sergio Cariello was an illustrator for DC Comics and Marvel before he was commissioned by David C. Cook to illustrate this new version of the Bible.

The Action Bible contains most of the stories of the Bible, helping kids to string them together into one big story of God’s love. If you have a graphic novel lover, this is an excellent way to help them to bring these stories to life! Available at Walmart,, Amazon, and more. $20-25.

Teenagers (and adults)

A Bible like the Hands-On Bible described above will be good for any student up through confirmation age. Once a student hits 7th or 8th grade however, they often need a new one. If you’re looking to gift a teenager a Bible—for a birthday, confirmation, graduation, etc.—we recommend getting them a study Bible that they can use into their adult life.

Pr. Mary recommends any kind of NIV Study Bible. It’s a great place to start and an easy translation to work with. Pr. Meggie’s favorite Study Bible is the Lutheran Study Bible. Other Study Bibles that have stood the test of time include the Harper-Collins study Bible or any of the Life Application Bibles.

Also, a note on which translation of the Bible to use: the NLT is the most accessible and easiest to read. NIV and NRSV are used more than any other in Lutheran Churches. NKJ is common, but hard to understand.

The Lutheran Study Bible by Augsburg Fortress

NIV, The Life Application Study Bible

We hope you find these recommendations helpful!

Fuller Youth Institute has researched the faith development of young people in the United States for many years. Some years ago, one of their studies found that the students who were most likely to remain engaged in faith and in church as adults, were the ones who had at least five caring, faithful adults in their lives.

That kid you just bought a Bible for, you are one of those adults for them!

Remember, when it comes to faith, relationships are more helpful than religion and present is better than perfect. Thank you for caring about the kids in your life!